We wanted to share this note that we received just a few days ago from a fan of Lis’ books:
I was able to get both of your novels from the public library and [I] read the first one in 2 days. The library did not have your books but purchased them several weeks after I put in a request. I was the first to check them out! I just began the 2nd one this afternoon. Its very hard to put your books down! They are written intelligently. I can relate to the characters because they are “real.” Your books tell stories of violent acts but as a Christian, I can enjoy them without feeling “dirty.” I am now a fan and am eagerly awaiting for your next book. I am not a reader of mysteries but your books have intrigued me. I have learned a lot about the legal system and about the news media.
–Marcia T.
Thanks for writing in, Marcia! We definitely appreciate your support.
Feel free to write to Lis–your message could appear in this space!
I always enjoy your infomative interviews on The O’Reilly Factor. Thanks!